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SmartDraw software IT


Empresa/Fabricante: SmartDraw

Tipo de licencia: Compra

Tipo de implantación: Cliente Servidor

Software SmartDraw is the World's First Visual ProcessorTM

Before the SmartDraw visual processor, visuals had to be created manually with complex graphics software. Even for experts, producing a visual like a flowchart was time consuming and the results were often not presentation-quality. SmartDraw automates the creation of visuals to such a degree that anyone can do it, and get great results in minutes.Just as the word processor makes it possible for anyone to create beautifully formatted written documentation, the visual processor makes it possible for anyone to create presentation-quality visuals just as easily.

Implantadores de SmartDraw

  • SmartDraw


    País: España
    Clientes: CNET, About.com, Washington Times

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